The program which goes to air and via podcast weekly on Tuesday mornings is hosted from Melbourne by Michael Burd and Alan Freedman and provides Israel-centric news and commentary from a non-left-wing perspective.
To hear the show, click the image below (or download it from here). For the interview with Arnold Roth, jump to the 73 minutes mark:
Today's interview was triggered by the events described in our recent blog post "17-May-17: We're asking Australia to help get our daughter's fugitive murderer into a US court".
The quick summary of it:
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The self-confessed murderer Tamimi circulated this photo in March 2017 to express her thanks to the Jordanian royal family after a Jordanian court ruled against the US extradition request [Image Source] |
- Malki, our lovely daughter, was one of fifteen innocent people murdered in the Hamas bombing of a Sbarro pizzeria in the center of Jerusalem in 2001. Malki was just fifteen years old.
- The mastermind of that atrocity was quickly found and arrested. She was then a 21 year-old Jordanian woman who studied journalism at one of the Palestinian Arab universities and moonlighted as a reporter and news-reader for a Palestinian Arab television station in the Ramallah area.
- She confessed to all the charges including having scouted out the site in Jerusalem using her journalist pass, bringing the human bomb into Jerusalem and walking him to the Sbarro location.
- She was sentenced to 16 consecutive terms of life imprisonment with an unusual recommendation by the stunned panel of three judges that she never be considered for earlier release - not in any political deal, not for good behaviour, never. She was set free by Israel in the context of the 2011 monumentally-lopsided Gilad Shalit transaction in which an Israeli hostage, held by Hamas (of which Tamimi was a registered agent) for five years, was released to the Israelis in exchange for one thousand and twenty-seven terrorists, the vast majority of them convicted murderers like Ms Tamimi.
- She quickly flew to Jordan where she was received at the airport and then in one of the Jordanian government law courts in Amman as a conquering hero. (We have photos.)
- She and her husband, another murderer - and also her cousin - promptly received a colossal amount of money from the Palestinian Authority's appalling, European-funded Rewards for Terror payments scheme. They live well.
- She was soon hired by Hamas to present a weekly television program called "Breezes of the Free" which continues to be beamed today throughout the Arabic-speaking world. (She stopped being the host when she was briefly arrested on an Interpol warrant last September. The show continues with a different presenter.)
- The Hamas TV show is a tribute to Palestinian Arab prisoners held by Israel for terrorist offences. Tamimi, for the nearly five years she hosted it, encouraged and continues to incite her fellow Arabs to more and more and more acts of Arab-on-Israeli terror. She continues to do that via public speeches, media interviews, the social media.
- The FBI added her to its Most Wanted Terrorists list in March 2017. The US Department of Justice seeks to arrest her and bring her to trial under US law (Malki had American citizenship) in the United States.
- A Jordanian court, evidently acting as the arm of the Hashemite regime that controls Jordan (the vast majority of whose population calls itself Palestinian Arab), ruled just two days after the FBI announcement that Jordanian law prohibits Tamimi's extradition.
- From our standpoint, having looked into this with the help of people who know Jordan well, the court's reasoning is nonsense. Jordan has had an extradition treaty with the United States since 1995. One of the plotters in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center was extradited to the US under that same treaty and remains in a US prison cell. Jordan has extradited people to other countries too.
(There are no hyper-links in the text above. That's deliberate. If you have questions about any of the factual claims we make - and we stand behind all of them - read our past posts about Tamimi and/or make contact with us.)
- Ms Tamimi lives freely, openly and happily in Jordan today, a fugitive in plain sight. She has made numerous VIP visits to other Arab countries in the past five years as well as many speeches to school and trade groups throughout Jordan. She is a celebrity and a figure of wall-to-wall Jordanian admiration.
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The unjustly-released murderer Ahlam Tamimi (in the middle) and her husband/cousin the unjustly- released murderer Nizar Tamimi are honored guests of the 2014 Amman International Book Fair [Image Source] |
It's sickeningly scandalous that Jordan, a client of the West and totally dependent on the United States for its defense and security needs, thumbs its royal nose at the FBI and justice for the sake of a sociopathic killer whose bigoted views and horrifying actions she has never denied or retracted.
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