Thursday, May 24, 2012

24-May-12: A small part of what we're up against

Hezbullah recruits and their religious leaders: The de facto rulers
of Lebanon today [Image Source]
Further to our posting this past Monday ["21-May-12: What the Iranians really want"], Iran has an arsenal of 450 missiles in striking distance of Israel, Brig. Gen. Itay Baron, head of the IDF Military Intelligence research section, told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee yesterday (Tuesday) according to Haaretz

Syria has 3,000 rockets and missiles with ranges of 70 to 700 km. While these are not very precise, said Baron, the Syrian inventory of surface-to-air Russian-made defense systems is technologically advanced. 

As for the terrorist forces on our northern border, Wikipedia says Hezbullah had 30,000 rockets pointed at Israel in 2006. Whether or not that was right, today according to the IDF - which has a considerably greater strategic interest in knowing such things than the Wikipedians do - the number is 60,000. This according to IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Naveh speaking at a conference in Zichron Yaakov. 

He also said the dramatic growth in Hezbollah's arms holdings is part of its effort "to reach a situation where quantity is part of quality, and a quick blow at Israeli cities could produce a victory photo." 

Naveh spoke  as well about a different aspect of the military build-up on our borders - the still disintegrating Al-Assad regime that is holding onto control in Syria and its ongoing chemical warfare capabilities. Israel's defensive measures, unlike those of the New York Times and the Guardian, are based on believing their own assessments and getting prepared accordingly.

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