Saturday, September 30, 2006

30-Sep-06: Finally, Something Worth Watching on Television

This is something quite special.

David Aaronovitch , a columnist for the Times newspaper in London, has made a first-class documentary which was shown on Britain's Channel 5 last week under the title "Don't Get Me Started: No Excuses for Terror".

It directly confronts the central issue that vexes the authors of this blog: the transparent hypocrisy of political activists and media sources who have dumbed-down the Middle East conflict in order to make it fit an anti-Israel, anti-Jewish narrative and outlook on life.

Harry's Place posted it to YouTube and summarizes it this way:

David Aaronovitch: No Excuses For Terror. Who is really responsible for the suicide bombers that target us? Is it the fault of George Bush or Tony Blair? Are we all somehow to blame? David Aaronovitch, journalist and commentator, has had enough of this argument. He asks how we've got to the point where British Socialists support Islamofascist Terrorism. Aaronovitch explains where the left have gone wrong on Israel, Palestine, the War in Iraq and the War on Terror.
The 45-minute documentary is posted on You Tube. Each of the links below should get you to its four parts:
Aaronovitch on Channel 5 (Part 3 of 4) 09:46 mins
Aaronovitch on Channel 5 (Part 4 of 4) 09:57 mins

The film is not a pro-Israel polemic nor a right-wing bash of the left-wing. It's thought-provoking and intelligent television - highly worth the investment of time and brain-cycles. And appropriately blunt on the dangers that Islamic terror and the blend of stupidity and malevolence exhibited by Hizbollah/Hamas supporters in Western societies pose to those Western societies.

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