Friday, September 29, 2006

29-Sep-06: Gaza Rockets Hit Israel Thursday Night

Qassam rocket lands in Sderot; no injuries
Palestinians fire rocket from north Gaza into Israel; police say Qassam landed in open field near western Negev town; Red Dawn alert system did not identify launching
Tova Dadon
Published (Yediot Aharonot): 09.28.06, 21:18
Palestinians in north Gaza fired a Qassam rocket toward Israel Thursday evening. Police sources said the rocket apparently landed in an open field near the western Negev city of Sderot; no injuries or damage were reported in the incident. The Red Dawn alert system failed to identify the rocket launching, but residents said the blast was heard load and clear.
Each of these rocket attacks is an act of war. That they have become a daily event in the lives of Israelis living in towns that have never been in dispute, have never been "occupied" only makes the situation more unacceptable, more absurd.

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