Tuesday, September 19, 2006

19-Sep-06: High Alert Again in Jerusalem, Center

Basing themselves - as usual - on concrete intelligence reports, the authorities in Israel declared a high-level terrorism alert today.

The second of the two main-roads (called Route 443) that serve Jerusalem in the direction of Tel-Aviv has been shut down for some hours by police road-blocks during the middle of the day. Security check-points have been thrown up at the entrance to Jerusalem, in the Latrun area on Highway One (the main arterial route serving Israel's capital) and in the Modi'in area. No reports of arrests at this stage.

UPATE: Haaretz now (1.45 pm Tuesday) says that the police have called off the terror alert.

Meanwhile Yediot Aharonot is reporting the terror alert still in effect at 2:00 pm. They write:
"Police have also beefed up security in central Israel, and the alert level in the Sharon area has also been raised for fear of an infiltration by a terrorist. Security forces are in possession of 16 specific warnings on intentions to carry out attacks. The warnings mainly originate from the Samaria (north West Bank) area and Gaza, and refer to suicide bombings, kidnappings and shooting attacks. Vehicles are being checked and buildups in traffic have been noticed in the area, in addition to the existing jams following the ongoing roadwork in the capital. Police Chief Moshe Karadi announced ahead of the New Year that police will increase its activities throughout the country due to concerns of terror attacks. Working in a number of circles, thousands of police, Border Guard officers and volunteers from the Civil Guard, backed by IDF soldiers, will take part during the New Year in security measures at markets, synagogues and entertainment districts. The security operations will take place from the green line area and into the inner cities."
That the mainstream foreign media routinely don't report this does not change the fact that terror and dealing with the threats and attacks of Palestinian Arabs on our lives are part of the daily agenda for millions of Israelis.

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