Thursday, September 26, 2024

26-Sep-24: A question to people who have children and love them

Arnold Roth posted this on his X account yesterday.

  • Imagine someone kills your child, not because the child did something but for reasons that you need to be a sociopath to understand and sympathize with.
  • Imagine the killer is indicted by the US but is held close to the bosom of another country. It's a country that your taxes have kept afloat for decades.
  • Imagine that the US can demand that the killer is handed over for trial in Washington. A treaty for that exists.
  • Imagine that the US does this but in a very small voice. The country keeping the killer safe understands this to mean they don't really have to hand her over at all.
  • Imagine the people running the US write to you, tell you how cut up they are about what happened, and say this a really important case for them.
  • Imagine that you learn they didn't mean a word of it.
  • Imagine that after years of them ignoring you, it finally hits you that absolutely nothing has been done to get the killer handed over and tried in the US.
  • Imagine that along the way, the killer is given her own television show by the country keeping her safe and sound. And that her show is beamed into homes all over the world, including into the US, weekly for nearly five years. And that it's all about whipping up support for people like the killer -- support for other people who want to kill your child.
  • Imagine no one in the US government agrees to talk with you about what's really happening, about how the US won't allow the country doing the hugging-to-the-bosom to be criticized. Or even mentioned
  • In fact, imagine that most of them fail to acknowledge your existence.
  • Imagine a decade goes by and no one in the US government - not its diplomats, not its law enforcers, not its lawmakers, not its many spokespeople - has done anything to get your child's fugitive killer into the dock of a US criminal court. 
  • My question: At what point do you give up trying to make American justice happen? 

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