Wednesday, September 18, 2013

18-Sep-13: Tapuah Junction again; attempted terror attack again; thwarted, thankfully

Tapuah Junction on  April 30, 2103 when Evyatar Borowski
was murdered there [Image Source: Haaretz/Nir Kedar]
Tapuah Junction has made numerous appearances in this blog over the years. It's here again today, and for the usual sort of reason.

Times of Israel and Yedioth are reporting that yet another terror attack was thwarted there today by alert police and soldiers of the Givati Brigade. As so often in the past, the busy interchange attracted a Palestinian Arab "youth" intent on advancing the Palestinian Arab revolution and perhaps dreaming of his role at some future date in another high-profile terrorist release (like the latest one on which we reported an hour ago).

The security forces were alert enough to spot the man and detect his intentions. They discovered he was carrying both a pistol and knife. During interrogation at the scene, the would-be terrorist admitted his murderous intentions. He is currently undergoing further questioning at the hands of the security services.

Not every terror attempt at Tapuah has ended so well. Evyatar Borowski, a young father of five children, was murdered there five months ago by a knife-wielding Palestinian Arab terrorist who arrived at the site by taxi and attacked his victim, who was standing at the hitchhike post, from behind. The stabber's family, in the spirit of the times exemplified by recent boastful speeches (in Arabic) by PA head Mahmoud Abbas, said: "It was destiny, and we take pride in him as a family. What he did is a duty for all Palestinians..."

No speeches so far from the family of today's terrorist.

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