Wednesday, September 18, 2013

18-Sep-13: 250 more Palestinian Arab prisoners to be released with Israel's agreement?

Still  more of them on the way?
Ynet reports today:
PA says Israel agreed to release another 250 prisoners | Palestinian sources say Israel close to approving release of 250 prisoners in addition to 104 it has already agreed to free | Roi Kais | Ynet Published: 09.18.13, 09:52 | Israel is close to officially approving the release of an additional 250 Palestinian prisoners, Palestinian sources defined as "credible" told the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat. Israel has already agreed to release 104 prisoners as part of the resumption of peace negotiations. Twenty-six of those prisoners were freed last month. The second phase of the prisoners' release is scheduled for the end of October. The fourth and final release of prisoners is expected to take place on March 28.
We don't know at this stage how true the report is, or what "close to officially approving" means. We will delve into this via the usual exclusive sources i.e. published reports on the Internet and in newspapers, augmented by phone calls to worried and upset friends.

What we can say, speaking from experience, is that the Israeli victims of the imprisoned terrorists play no role and are not consulted in any way in the process of deciding whether, and if yes then which, convicted terrorists are to be set free in contradiction to basic notions of justice and, in many cases, the explicit guidance of the courts that convicted them. 

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