Saturday, January 26, 2008

26-Jan-08: Weekend stabbing, rockets, mortars

In the third Jerusalem-area attack in the last 48 hours, a knife-wielding Palestinian Arab stabbed a Border Police patrol officer on duty near the Atarot industrial area in northern Jerusalem today (Saturday), according to Haaretz. Policemen nearby opened fire at the Palestinian who is wounded. Both the stabbed policeman and the attacker are getting treatment at Hadassah University Medical Center.

And despite all the festivities on the Hamas/Egypt border, the thugs remain active. Two Qassams were launched from the northern Gaza Strip Saturday afternoon into Israel. They hit open areas in the western Negev, causing no casualties. Two mortar shells were also fired in Israel's direction by the jihadists, but they fell short inside Palestinian territory, causing who-knows-what-damage.

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