Thursday, January 24, 2008

24-Jan-08: Multiple attacks in and near Jerusalem

We've been traveling, so have been temporarily unable to comment here on the tumultuous events of the past 72 hours in Gaza. But tonight there's been a pair of terror attacks quite close to where we live.

At the entrance to East Jerusalem's Shuafat neighbourhood, a man and a woman were shot tonight in a terror attack. The man was critically injured and later died of his wounds, while the woman sustained serious wounds and is now getting treated at Hadassah Ein Kerem medical center. YNet says two terrorists approached the scene on foot, fired at the Israelis and fled. No doubt, one heroic freedom fighter group or another will shortly be taking 'credit' for their great achievement.

And just south of Jerusalem, two of the communities in the Gush Etzion bloc came under attack tonight. Terrorists threw molotov cocktails at the entrance to Migdal Oz. Shortly afterwards, two Pal-Arab terrorists burst into the Steinsaltz Mekor Haim yeshiva (a boys' school) in Kfar Etzion and stabbed and wounded two people, presumably students, who are described as lightly wounded. Several of the youth leaders at the school quickly arrived on the scene with their weapons and brought the terrorist attack, and the lives of the perpetrators, to a complete end.

Eye-witnesses say the two terrorists, themselves in their teens like their intended victims, were dressed in stolen or copied uniforms. Haaretz says they were the uniforms of the security company that protects the boundaries of the school. JPost says green military-style uniforms - perhaps trying to pass themselves off as belonging to the IDF or the Border Police.

Wasted lives. Pointless, hate-filled actions. Additional 'achievements' to add to the terrorist agenda.

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