Sunday, September 22, 2013

22-Sep-13: Quote of the week: A growing understanding of what the Shalit deal has actually cost us

From the Times of Israel
The lead story at this hour on the Times of Israel website is Avi Issacharoff's searing analysis of Israel's terrorist-release strategy: "Reaping what the Gilad Shalit deal sowed"
On the day of Shalit’s release, thousands of Hamas operatives took to the streets of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The slogan coming from the mouths of Palestinian youth, especially prisoners’ family members, was that the Palestinians needed “another six Shalits” in order to empty out Israel’s prisons... And even then it was clear that the next kidnapping was already in the works. Indeed, dozens of kidnapping attempts have been thwarted since October 2011... The Benjamin Netanyahu government, which approved the deal, created this situation with its own hands. [Times of Israel]
It's encouraging to hear mainstream Israeli voices finally join the chorus.

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