Tuesday, September 10, 2013

10-Sep-13: Save the date: "Resisting terrorism" conference in Paris

Conference venue
Resisting terrorism: What Camus taught us

Date/Time: October 23, 2013 | 9.45 am to 6 pm

Conference organizerMouvement Pour la Paix et Contre le Terrorisme | Member of International Alliance Against Terrorism

Venue: Mairie du 3° arrondissement, 2, rue Eugène Spuller 75003 Paris

"Whatever cause one defends, it will be dishonored by resorting to the blind massacre of an innocent crowd..." - Albert Camus

[More details about the one-day conference are on the MPCT website here]

I Terrorism and resistance: With Camus, to know how to reject confusion 
  • Gérard Rabinovitch, philosopher and researcher at CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research)
  • Jean Monneret, historian, author of “Camus and Terrorism”
II Behind Islamist terrorism… Islamism
  • Claire Brière Blanchet, writer and journalist
  • Michael Prazan, author, producer of “A History of  Terrorism” and “The Brotherhood: An Inquiry into the Muslim Brotherhood
III Picking up the gauntlet of terrorism today
  • Saving children from terrorism
    Fazal Ur Rehman Afridi, Pakistani journalist, president of the Institute for Research and Strategic Studies, Khyber
  • The jihad that is conquering AfricaFodé Sylla, former president - SOS Racism, patron of Collective Against Terrorism
  • Tolerating terrorist organizations: The case of Hezbollah
    Mariam Abdo, Lebanese feminist
IV Victims of terrorism and civil society: Together in resisting terrorism
  • Nicole Guiraud, Victim of the terrorist bombing of the Algiers Milk Bar Café
  • Cherifa Kheddar, President - Djazairouna, The Association of Families and Victims of Islamist Terrorism, Algeria
  • Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc, General Director of the French Association of Victims of Terror
  • Arnold Roth, Chairman, Malki Foundation (a partner organization in the International Alliance Against Terrorism) - participating via video link from Israel
  • May Chidiac, Lebanese television presenter and victim of Hezbollah terrorism - participating via video link
With the participation of the Collective Against Terrorism
  • Annie Sugier, President - The League of Women’s International Rights
  • Josiane Sberro, Representative of Primo Info
  • Sobhy Gress, General Secretary - Coptic Solidarity
With our thanks to associated artists
  • Diagne Chanel: Etudier fait grandir (Learning makes for growing up)
  • Nicole Guiraud: Survivre (Surviving)

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