Friday, July 05, 2013

5-Jul-13: The terrorists, and the ups and downs of show business

Ahlam Tamimi hosts a terrorism industry guest on her made-in-Jordan,
beamed-by-Hamas weekly TV program, May 2012
When the woman who engineered the massacre at Jerusalem's Sbarro restaurant twelve years ago walked free in October 2011, she may have become the first convicted mass-murderer in history to be given her own global television program (we have written about this before), a weekly prime-time talk show that was, and perhaps still is, beamed every Friday night throughout the Arabic-speaking world on a Hamas satellite channel.

This is especially appalling when you pause to recall what underpins her media appearances. She was and is entirely unrepentant about the fifteen people - most of them children - she killed in the devastating explosion. One of her victims was our daughter. Another is a young mother, not included in the fifteen, who has remained in a vegetative coma since the day of the massacre until today.

Indeed, Tamimi has done much more: when confessing to the court that convicted her, she said - and repeated over and again on YouTube, in multiple Arabic language news channels and in front of adoring crowds - that (a) she was proud to be the killer of her victims and (b) if given the opportunity in the future, she would certainly do it again.

Her speeches and their reception throughout the Arab-speaking world provide her with a welcoming environment in which to encourage repetitions of the terrorist outrage that brought this rather dull journalism student fame and exposure.

Today, there's a tiny piece of good news for those of us who understand the corrosive effect that people like Tamimi, the celebrated terrorist-murderer of children, achieve when granted unfettered access to hundreds of millions of television screens and living rooms across the globe.
Nilesat an Egyptian company, that controls a series of Egyptian communications satellites, removed Hamas TV al Quds from the air in recent days. The closure comes after Islamist gunmen staged multiple attacks on security forces in Egypt's troubled Sinai Peninsula early Friday, two days after the army overthrew elected Islamist President Mohamed Morsi, security sources and state television reported... [Jerusalem Post]
This is from a brief report today by the Arab Israeli commentator Khaled Abu Toameh. 

Al Quds is the global television network, one of two controlled by the terrorists of Hamas, that broadcasts Tamimi's program. And Nilesat, which has now decided to boot it from their communications network, is controlled by Egypt's public broadcaster, and thus closely aligned to the Egyptian government. But all is not lost for the hordes addicted to such entertainment. Al Quds TV, and Tamimi and her programs, continue to have a friendly home on the Riyadh-based ArabSat satellite network. It's also transmitted via the web.

Disappointed fans of Tamimi have another outlet for their enthusiasm. They can post a Like for the psychopathic young woman on her Facebook page. Nearly three thousand of them have done that already

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