Tuesday, July 30, 2013

30-Jul-13: A rocket from Gaza to remind us they too are fighting us via terrorist warfare

A hot summer afternoon. The political focus is currently squarely on Abbas and his Ramallah-based regime and events in Washington. The perfect time for the rocket-rich terror-addicted thugs of the Gaza Strip to fire off another pot shot and to grab back some of the spotlight.

Times of Israel, quoting Israel's Army Radio, is reporting at this hour that a Qassam rocket, launched from the northern Gaza Strip controlled by the terrorist regime of Hamas, crashed into Israel's western Negev region this morning. It landed and exploded in an open area. There are no injuries to report, and no reports of damage so far.

Over at Ynet, they point out that locals have learned to expect this kind of attack at times like this, just as the Israeli and Palestinian Authority negotiators are assembling in Washington. They say today's landing site was in the Sha'ar Hanegev region where eleven Israeli communities are located. They quote a resident there who says, with justification: "For weeks now we've been waiting for something to come from Gaza's direction. Every time there is talk of negotiations, we get a present from Gaza."

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