Wednesday, July 24, 2013

24-Jul-13: Gazan rockets are being fired into Israel again today

The Jerusalem Post quotes Israel Army Radio around 10 this morning (Wednesday) saying two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel. They both fell in the Eshkol region of southern Israel, probably in open areas, and there are no reports of injuries or damage. The police are said to be searching the area for debris from the rockets.

AFP and Israel National News say there was a previous such attack on Sunday.

This might be a good time to refresh our memories of the last round of Obama administration-led efforts to push Israeli and PA negotiators to the discussion table. That was three years ago, with the first talks taking place during September 2010. In that same month, as this Wikipedia entry says
a coalition of 13 Palestinian factions began a campaign of attacks against Israeli civilians, including a series of drive-by shootings and rocket attacks on Israeli towns, in an attempt to derail and torpedo the on-going negotiations.
We can hope for a better scenario this time round.

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