Tuesday, July 23, 2013

23-Jul-13: For our friends in the Jerusalem area

Malki (on the left) and Michal ז"ל
The annual Aliyah Lakever (going up to the gravesides) and Azkara (memorial service) in memory of our daughter Malka Chana Roth and her friend Michal Raziel, may their memories be a blessing, will take place at the Har Tamir cemetery in Jerusalem on Sunday evening, July 28, 2013 (Chaf-alef B'Av) starting at 17:00.

As in past years, free transport is available to and from the ceremony. A bus will leave the Ramot 01 Jerusalem branch of the Ezra youth movement (corner Abba Hillel Silver and Harry Truman Streets, Ramot 01) at 16:30 and will return to the same place immediately after the brief ceremony.

For further information or details, please email us at thisongoingwar@gmail.com

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