Wednesday, February 06, 2008

6-Feb-08: Injured Israeli women and children: jihadist plan is working

Coming close to achieving the dream of the Gazan jihadists, one of their Qassam rockets fired from northern Gaza today crashed into the grounds of Kibbutz Beeri in the Eshkol region of Israel's western Negev, next to its kindergarten.

Three children were injured. Two sisters aged two and four who had been playing outside their home were hospitalized for treatment of their wounds along with their mother who is suffering from shock. The other injured child (in the picture at right) is a girl of 12.

Very shortly afterwards, another Qassam rocket struck a private residence in Israel's southern city of Sderot causing injuries and structural damage.

YNet quotes the Eshkol Regional Council head Haim Yalin, whose daughter attends the kibbutz's kindergarten, saying: "The rocket landed at a time when all of the children usually play outside, especially on a beautiful day like today. This is also the time of day when some parents come to pick their children up. "

What the terrorists would call perfect timing.

Three Qassam rockets crashed into the much larger Israeli city of Ashkelon last night (Tuesday). Even though there are fortunately no reports of injuries or damage, the Hamas regime's leaders in Gaza claimed credit. About forty Qassam rockets have been fired into Israel in the past two days. Hamas proudly issued a press release today [you can't make this stuff up] to claim credit for at least 26 of them.

The pictures below are of the damage to Sderot homes from yesterday and today.

Damage to an Israeli home in Sderot yesterday

A Sderot woman injured in yesterday's jihadist rocket attack is evacuated to hospital.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry. What a horrible couple of days for Israel, and as usual, so much ignored by the international news media and particularly our own loathsome BBC.


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