Saturday, February 02, 2008

2-Feb-08: Four more Gazan Qassams

Four Qassam rockets, despatched by the Palestinian-Arab jihadists of Gaza, crashed into open fields near the southern Israel city of Sderot this afternoon (Saturday). Fortunately no casualties or damage are reported.

UPDATE: Haaretz says two exploded in the Sderot cemetery, and two of the town's residents were treated for shock at the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.


  1. Malki's parents,

    This is not directly connected to the above article, but I wanted to bring to your notice that the author of the Sbarro memorial video on Youtube has also created a memorial especially for Malki. It's called "Slipped Away" and it really is very beautiful.
    I wasn't sure if you had seen it, as you hadn't linked it from the foundation site.

  2. You're right. We didn't know. Having searched for it now, we can see it's at

    Hope to add a link to it on the Keren Malki website very soon.

    Thanks for pointing it out.

  3. You are very welcome, and you are in my thoughts.
    יהי זכרה ברוך.


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