Sunday, February 10, 2008

10-Feb-08: Terror-drenched weekend

The jihadists of the Hamas regime proudly claimed last night that 154 of their Qassam rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel since Tuesday, including what the BBC calls "around a dozen" yesterday (Haaretz says 40; see the headline at right). Important to recall that the terrorists have no interest in who or what is hit or damaged or injured or killed - never claimed to care, and don't care. The full extent of their aim: just hit some Jews.

Some twelve hours ago (Saturday night here) they got lucky. One of the rockets from a barrage of five struck a southern Israeli sidewalk where the Tuito family were running to seek shelter after warning sirens rang out to announce the incoming attack. An 8-year-old child sustained serious injuries (both his legs were almost severed; YNet reports that doctors were forced to amputate one of his legs on Sunday morning); his 19 year-old brother (on the cover of this morning's Haaretz newspaper - see picture at right) is lightly to moderately wounded from shrapnel. Their mother and another brother are being treated for shock, as are 13 additional Sderot victims of the same attack.

In the lexicon of the terrorists, a major achievement. In Gaza, the "success" was loudly celebrated according to YNet by both church and state, with gunmen from the Al-Quds Brigades firing into the air and broadcasting victory messages from mosque loudspeakers.

Associated Press, you may be interested to note, describes the Israeli response this way. First, AP's headline: "Israel threatened retaliation". Followed by the full and entire text of the "threatened retaliation": "Israel will take resolute and decisive measures to protect our citizens," government spokesman David Baker said. "We will not allow Israeli families to be victimized by Palestinian rockets in the heart of their own cities."

Threat? Retaliation? Which planet do AP's editors live on?

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