Friday, January 04, 2008

4-Jan-08: Never a let-up... the terror keeps coming

It's in the nature of terrorism that it just keeps coming unless and until it gets stopped. Gazan terrorists keep firing Qassam rockets into Israel: two more this morning. Fortunately they landed away from homes or factories this time. No injuries, no damage, but Gaza's terrorists intended a different outcome. (And fired 25 of them yesterday.)

In Nablus where the PA's 'forces' have been allegedly imposing law and order, the IDF located and destroyed a rocket-manufacturing workshop. This morning's reports say the search was aided by pinpoint intelligence and that by the time they were found, the rockets were in advanced stages of assembly.

Finding and neutralizing the terrorists' arsenal required the deployment of ground forces and the use of some impolite language. (And maybe more.) Predictably, the reports emanating from the Palestinian side focus on claims that 25 people were injured in the IDF operation. Like this: "Nablus Mayor Jamal Muhaissen said the Israeli operation was meant to "strike the security plan" which the Palestinian forces implement to crack down on trouble makers. "This operation is unjustifiable," Muhaissen told reporters." And like this: "The Palestinians expressed their discontent with the IDF's operation in Nablus, particularly since Palestinian police were already deployed in the city."

We're still looking for a news channel that has reporters alert enough to ask: "So how come, if the PA are deployed throughout the city, only the Israelis manage to locate the hidden lethal weaponry?"

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