Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2-Jan-08: Southern Israel - more rocket attacks

Two Qassam rockets were fired by Gaza-based Palestinian Arab terrorists into southern Israel yesterday (Tuesday), and again this morning (Wednesday). One of this morning's rockets struck a residential area of the small Israeli city of Sderot which borders on Gaza. The other landed in an open area outside the city's boundaries.

The New York Times quotes Israeli sources summing up the dry statistics of life in a terror zone. Some 1,263 Qassam rockets and 1,511 mortar shells were fired into Israel by the Gaza-based terrorists in 2007, according to the report. 13 Israelis lost their lives to the terrorists this year.

UPDATE Wednesday 3:00pm: Another Gazan-Palestinian-Arab Qassam rocket fired from the northern Gaza Strip landed in an open field south of Ashkelon, seeking to advance the terrorist agenda. So far no injuries or property damage reports, fortunately. But that's not the intention of the terrorists.

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