Wednesday, January 16, 2008

16-Jan-08: Wednesday morning update

The Pal-Arab jihadists of Gaza let fly with some 28 Qassam rockets into southern Israel this morning (Wednesday), and it's not yet 10 o'clock. Some damage is reported to physical property on the grounds of several kibbutzim that border Gaza, but thankfully no injuries so far. The rockets also struck the Sderot area and open fields just south of Ashkelon, and several people there were treated for shock. This time, Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility but the fact is that the weaponry and methods are virtually identical no matter which of the real or imagined fronts, brigades or forces issues the press release. Gaza is entirely controlled by the Islamicists of Hamas who, with Iranian backing, decide whether, when and by whom Israel and Israelis (like the injured woman in yesterday's AP picture from Sderot at right) are attacked.

UPDATE: Wednesday 7:30pm - Haaretz says "more than 40 Qassams, three mortar shells" have been let loose by the Gazan jihadists into Israel so far today. YNet says no fewer than 50 Qassam rockets have crashed into Sderot and its surroundings today. It reports on at least six people hurt by this (Wednesday) in and around Sderot and Ashkelon. "Five people suffered shock and a woman was lightly injured after being hit by a passing vehicle while running to take cover from the rockets... An exceptionally heavy salvo hit the western Negev in the afternoon hours... The rockets caused damages to two buildings and a factory in Sderot."

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