Sunday, January 13, 2008

13-Jan-08: Sunday evening terror round-up

Eight mortar shells were fired into Israel by Gaza-based Palestinian Arab terrorists this afternoon. Two landed in the grounds of Kibbutz Netiv Ha'asara, one damaging a residence. Six others crashed into open ground near the Erez Crossing that connects Gaza with Israel. Two Qassam rockets were also fired into Israel today; one landed in an undisclosed open-field location while the second crashed into Hamas-controlled Gaza territory; no injuries, no damage. Elsewhere today, Israeli Border Guard forces neutralized a Palestinian Arab woman carrying a hidden 12-inch (30cm) kitchen knife as she tried to enter Hebron's Machpelah Cave, one of the Jewish world's four holiest sites. A day literally does not go by without terrorist attacks like these by Palestinian-Arab thugs. Making matters steadily and measurably worse, Gaza has ready access to a growing supply of lethal weaponry via a vast and proliferating network of tunnels dug literally under the noses of the Egyptians; the Christian Science Monitor describes the charade in a feature article ("Gaza tunnel smugglers stay busy") to appear in tomorrow's edition.

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