Sunday, June 11, 2006

11-Jun-06: It's raining missiles

Sunday morning, 10am, and the missiles keep crashing down on Israel with barely a word of reportage from the mainstream media. 

A man is critically injured when shrapnel from a Qassam rocket fired from the Gaza Strip lands near the Sapir Academic College of the Negev, Sderot. More than 30 such missiles have landed this weekend, 9 this morning so far. The injured man is a maintenance worker at the school. He is in surgery now - the hospital says his life is in danger. 

Hamas takes open responsibility for the rocket attacks, declaring it will continue "until residents of Sderot evacuated the town in fear". 

UPDATE: Missiles fired into Israel this morning: 14.

1 comment:

  1. You sure its 30? Seems too high for the poorly equipped gazans?


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