Friday, March 12, 2010

12-Mar-10: Incoming rockets and vice-presidents

Another largely-invisible rocket attack on Israel, again originating in the northern part of Gaza, yesterday (Thursday). A Qassam rocket, one of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, stockpiled by the terrorist regime in that area, landed on Israeli soil, striking a kibbutz warehouse in the area of the Eshkol Regional Council. There were no injuries among the residents and workers in the kibbutz but the building was damaged by fire. The attack came while the visit of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden to Israel was taking place.

We said 'invisible'. The news reportage, such as it is, focuses on Israel striking back at the source of the rocket, as in this syndicated AFP item: "Israeli airstrikes resume in Gaza as Joe Biden leaves, urging talks". Most people, if they know anything about what's happening here, know about as much as the headlines tell them.

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